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TOTM - Darn That Dream - Chord Etude

Here's a chord study on Darn That Dream. I left the pedal markings off and the chords. First, you guys know I think you should write in each chord and check out the alterations. As for the pedal, it's common sense with these sorts of etudes. As well as the dampening and pedaling. As my mother used to say to me about things.... "You're a big boy, you can do it". If you're tackling and etude like this, you know how to pedal.

You Can Ta Ka Di Mi This

Here's a great video from a new site we'll be launching very soon. It's over at Todd Isler is the instructor, he's a great percussionist and drummer.

He has a book out in our store called 'You Can Ta Ka Di Mi This'. The book is here:…

Here's a great video on the book by Todd.

Autumn Leaves Voicings For Stefan

Here you go Stefan. Autumn Leaves voicings. You have to do some of the work. I think I got the form and all that right. You need to label the chords and then label the alterations. Finally I think you need to memorize this. Just play it from memory. Also know with each chord you hit, what the root is. Keep this going in your mind. You need to become aware of what's happening. You get it?

The Modes in Detail - Phrygian

The phrygian scale is pretty cool because it has a minor 2nd between the root and the second scale degree. That gives it a very exotic sound!

Chinese translation for Chinese student.

如果拿Phrygian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Phrygian音階多了降2降3降6降7音。


這個C為開頭音的Phrygian順階和弦,第一個和弦為Cminor 第二個和弦為Dbmajor



通常在小調中會用到Phrygian,但是跟Dorian, Aeolian比,Phrygian最少用到。

Quick Lick #1

Here's quick lick number 1. Gives you a way to use the left hand to accompany yourself over a fast moving lick.

Check the end of the lick when you hit the F chord. Just double up with your right hand to play a chord. That's a good concept/technique to get in your playing.

Quick Lick #1Quick Lick #1