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TOTM - Satin Doll - Stride Exercise

OK here's an etude for stride playing. A couple things to keep in mind. Put the pedal down on every and life it up on the eighth. when you play stride the quarter notes shouldn't be real quarter notes, they should have space in them. With this exercise you should be able for MOST of the etude to do exactly the same thing with the pedal on every beat and everything fits in.

G7 C# Diminished G7 C# Diminished G7

I always like that progression and I'm not a theory guy, but I have my version on why it works and what it's about. I was actually going to make podcast about it, but I thought instead I'd open it up for discussion first.

What do you think about that progression? Why is it you can slip in a C#dim in between a repeating dominant chord??

I'll leave it at that.