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Rhythm Changes 1 Lesson plan

Here is a two part etude on rhythm changes. The first is a solo with a pdf of the transcription.

Part 2 is a chorus of comping with the transcribed music in a pdf from.

Also are audio files with all the parts and then without the play along parts.

You should memorize both solos and play them in different keys to study them.



Breaking Up the Octave

When you divide the octave up, you come up with a symetrical way of looking at music. It opens up new possibilites for improvising and playing over changes. You can come up with some interesting symmetrical scales that completely change the sounds and chords you can come up with.

Chord Etude Based on Changes to 'I Loves You Porgy'

So I was thinking of making some sort of chord etude and I thought, why don't I just comp through a tune. Then if you're working on comping you could learn this etude and analyze it.

So I took the changes to 'I Loves You Porgy' and comped simply through it. I played mostly quarter notes to keep things moving.

I'm curious is this is helpful to any of you.

The Modes In Detail - Locrian

Locrian the crazy scale! The 7th scale degree of the major scale.


Chinese translation for Chinese students

如果拿Locrian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Locrian音階多了降2降3降5降6降7音。


單單只打這個音階覺得沒有被解決,所以通常用在minor7b5- dominant7b9,

例如Cminor7b5- Fdominant7b9 - Bbminor7

Locrian 是比較難的音階,可以練習在不同調式之間轉換,熟悉不同調式音階的聲音。