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Chord Etude Based on Changes to 'I Loves You Porgy'

So I was thinking of making some sort of chord etude and I thought, why don't I just comp through a tune. Then if you're working on comping you could learn this etude and analyze it.

So I took the changes to 'I Loves You Porgy' and comped simply through it. I played mostly quarter notes to keep things moving.

I'm curious is this is helpful to any of you.

The Modes In Detail - Locrian

Locrian the crazy scale! The 7th scale degree of the major scale.


Chinese translation for Chinese students

如果拿Locrian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Locrian音階多了降2降3降5降6降7音。


單單只打這個音階覺得沒有被解決,所以通常用在minor7b5- dominant7b9,

例如Cminor7b5- Fdominant7b9 - Bbminor7

Locrian 是比較難的音階,可以練習在不同調式之間轉換,熟悉不同調式音階的聲音。

The Modes in Detail - Mixolydian

The mixolydian scale is the major scale with a flat 7. It's a very distinct sound, you've heard it all over the place.


Chinese Translation for Chinese students

All Blues 這首曲子都是用到Mixolydian 的聲音。

Latin music 中也很常用到Mixolydian 的聲音。



如果和弦記號有降九音,也不能用到Mixolydian音階。要是九音(Natural 9th)才適用Mixolydian音階。

The Modes In Detail - Lydian

Sharp the 4!

Chinese Translation for Chinese students

如果拿Lydian 音階和大調(major)音階來比較,Lydian音階多了升4音。


如果是四級大調和弦,通常會用到Lydian(因為Major #11)

例如Gmajor-Cmajor, C是G的四級,所以聲響上面還是都以G調為基礎,所以這邊的C就可以用到聲四音(#F)