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The Modes In Detail - Dorian

Dorian is the mode that starts on the second scale degree of the major scale. So in the key of C play D to D.
Chinese Translation for Chinese students.
Dorian和 Ionian 的不同是,Dorian 降3音降7音
Dorian是最常在爵士樂中在小調和弦(Minor chord)中用到調式。II-V-I的和聲進行,II級幾乎都是用到Dorian。

Part 2 of the Etude 'Vince Guaraldi' Etude with Chords

(This is a piece I wrote and have named it after the great composer Vince Guaraldi. The lead sheet is here, as well as an etude where you can work on different aspects of solo playing.)

Here's part 2 of this lesson. Go to the lesson listed above for more info.

Try not to look at this pdf until you've done part one of this lesson. That was to take the lead sheet and try and figure out the chords to the tune.

When you're ready look here and if you got it.

In part 3 of this etude, I'll talk about the etude and play the tune for you.

Vince Guaraldi (Lesson Plan)

(This is a piece I wrote and have named it after the great composer Vince Guaraldi. The lead sheet is here, as well as an etude where you can work on different aspects of solo playing.)

This will be a multi part lesson. The actually lessons are listed right above here.

Part 1 is the arrangement with no chord symbols. You try and figure them out.
Part 2 I'll add the chord symbols.
Part 3 I'll play the piece and solo on it for you to hear.
Part 4 I'll write out a single line solo for you play and study

What instruments does this pertain to?



Vince Guaraldi (Etude) Pt. 1

(This is a piece I wrote and have named it after the great composer Vince Guaraldi. This is the etude where you can work on different aspects of solo playing. Also on the site is the lead sheet to the tune. Check out the link to the lesson plan above.)

Here's part one of this lesson. Here's the etude without the chords attached. Go through the piece and look at the music and figure out what the chords are.

Part 2 will have chords
I'll do a video and play the piece
Part 3 will be a single line solo over the chords