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Ok so something cool happened. I've been working on Paganini's Moto Perpetuo for a long time now. Not to play in public just to work on my chops. I've learned the first 3 pages. Ok....

So I would play it over and over, work on technical stuff. It's a great piece to practice because it's a chops builder. It's better then doing scales for me (not that you should stop practicing scales). But I would play it, lose my concentration, have to start over. start playing it slowly and building up speed. But I never felt great about it.

Well I downloaded a midi file of the piece with orchestra sounds accompaniment. I played along with the tracks and played it 10 times as well. It was amazing to me. Something about playing the piece with just me got old and then putting on accompaniment and playing and really hearing the harmony totally did it for me.

Also I transposed it to Bb so it fits on the instrument (so far).

I just thought I would pass that along. I couldn't believe the difference in *me* when I played this with tracks. kind of brought it to life.

Maybe the point is to make sure you guys are playing with the computer and especially with live musicians. it makes a huge difference.


tifoo Wed, 02/13/2013 - 16:36

So where is that midi file that changed your perception on these thousands notes ?



What instruments does this pertain to?

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