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Philly 2017 Workshop has Moved :-)

I've decided to move the Philly workshop to my home.

I'm planning a great week from July 10-14 (I can even do something on the 9th If people come in early)

It's really getting impossible to do independent workshops at Universities unless you're bringing in 100 students. The red tape, background checks etc., forms are unbelievable! You need a team of 2 or 3 people to pull all this off.

Scales for Chords

Putting the Scales in the Chords

This is an old lesson, but I think it's good. The audio is down at the bottom of the text.

So think of the scales this way. The chord tones and the notes between the chord tones are the scales. For example:

Mic Wars, Episode II Neumann KM184 vs Chameleon Labs TS-1

So, in the first episode, I used two mics I considered substantially different. Tony and I discussed it a bit and we agree... as different as they are, there are a lot more similarities than differences and the differences are not in quality but rather character. Of course, assisting the musicians have exactly the correct character to their sound is what defines great recording engineers like the late Rudy Van Gelder.

New Recordings - December

Here's a track from a recent recording session I did at my university. I have been working on my solo playing and thought it would be worthwhile to try to record a bunch of tunes. Not everything turned out as well as I would have liked, but I did learn a lot about what to work on. This was my favourite. It's a tune in 3/4 by a friend of mine. I'll post the lead sheet if anyone's interested.
