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What Is This Thing? Revisited

I was jamming with some guys last night & "What Is This Thing Called Love?" was called. I had learned the tune a few years ago but didn't really remember it, & kinda picked it back up as we went along. Looking at it again briefly today I decided to try to use my ears rather than charts to clean it up again. Here's a rough recording from that process. Also posting before I'd call it ready because waiting until they're perfect tends to result in me never posting. :P

Bar Cord for Omega Vibe?

Any recommendations for bar cord for a Omega vibe? Had one snap on me the other night and had to use some musser cord which left several bars with a metallic buzz (also just tried some paracord with the same results! The reason for asking is that Malletech wants $36 plus shipping for a set of cords, which sounds a bit pricey! Especially after having one break on an instrument that's just over a year old. I've never had this problem on any instrument in the past 30 years. So if anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate. Thanks!

TOTM - Minority - Guide Tone Etude

OK guide tones. I'll do a video and talk about them very soon to go along with this TOTM.

But they are super important. If you know your guide tones then you understand how the harmony works. If you can improvise guide tones, then you can make up accompaniment parts behind a singer. You can make up other parts with other musicians quickly. Guide tones are important!


I've known many good people who discount the relevance of art because it has not been explained to them in a way that they understand. Art is a quest for greatness in all forms. It sets the bar for humanity. It's the best and highest level of accomplishment that humans can achieve or fathom. An artful effort supplies the world with a path toward achievement. An Artful accomplishment offers the world hope of that achievement. Art is not mere entertainment. It is purposeful beyond all other physical things.