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Let's Talk About This

Here's Evelen Glennie playing the vibes with a symphony.

I can't figure her out. Not that I have to, but I'm very curious.

First - Check her chops out. Amazing IMHO

Listen to her sound. Amazing. Beautiful!

I'm just not understanding what she does. Listen to the last note of the piece. She's early. Is the conductor supposed to follow her? Does she hear the band? Or feel the vibrations? Was this just a mistake?

Raga 1

This is an articulation exercise in the style of an Indian Raga. I use lots of accents and different stickings for the repeated notes so that the sound constantly changes through varied articulation. There's lots of double stickings, i.a. LLR, LLR, LLR, RRRR, LLLL,
Playing on the tip of the mallet head with the pedal down creates the illusion of long held out tones because you don't hear any attack.
It's also a tremendous (I sound like Trump!) challenge to keep the tempo steady.


But Can They Play the Blues :-)

Although I fail all the time, I try to be open minded.

And I think when I see someone doing something I would never want to do, I'm glad they are doing it and I hope it helps the instrument in some way.

This is not what I think the vibraphone is. But again, who am I to decide what a vibraphone is and how to use it!

And I'm glad people are pushing the envelope. Get it?