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Working on Voicings

Chinese Translation for Chinese Students

這個影片是講進階版的open closed voicing.
再已經很熟悉練習過後基本的open closed voicing後,簡單可以找到drop 2(把和弦第二個音移到最上面)
就可以來練練看這個進階版的voicing 練習。
例如C,G,D,E Tony把左右手voicing交換。變成D,E,C,G, Tony稱這個為Mike Maineiri 的voicing.

再例如Cminor7: D,E,G,Bb. 右手的兩個音互換,變成D,E,Bb,G。

*找一些你喜歡的Voicing, 然後換來換去,看你會不會發現新東西。
*找到一些小的音程的voicing(小二度minor2 之類的), 把它們放到低音處(左手)。

Only Trust Your Heart by Benny Carter - Clarinet/Bass/Vibes

Nice song by Benny Carter. It starts on the four chord as in "Just Friends". I think it's fun and helpful to think about all of the tunes that start on various chords like the IV chord. Another example would be to call tunes that start on the II7 like "But Not For Me" or "Our Love is Here to Stay". Might make for a fun post. Ed