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miniconcerts-dec-2014 by Tony Miceli

I felt bad because I totally forgot about the mini concerts we were supposed to do December 12th!

Hauke did his mini concert and sent it to me! I felt terrible. So here is my mini concert. I love doing mini concerts because you have to play 3 tunes without stopping! I did 3 tunes, the only edit I made was when I heard a noise up stairs at the beginning of Bluesette. I just stopped to see what was happening. So i cut that out. I made enough mistakes to keep it as a mini concert despite of the edit :-)

New clip from Vic Firth - Autumn Leaves - Solo Vibraphone

New clip from a video shoot taped by the Vic Firth production team which took place at Berklee College of Music in Boston. Other songs recorded at the session were (on vibes) Alone Together, Wave, Green Dolphin Street, (on marimba) Topsy and (vibes/marimba) Take the A Train. I'll post more as they are released by Vic Firth. Take the A Train was recorded as a Music Minus One project which will involve other mallet players recording their part and syncing it with my track. More information on this will be forthcoming. Happy Holidays everyone!