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Green Dolphin Street - Applying Pentatonic scales with one alteration -V

Practicing improv and the application of Pentatonic scales (with one alteration) on Green Dolphin Street. The scales bring out unusual notes over the chords. #9 and #5 on Maj 7, natural 7 and #11 on Min 7 and the combination of natural/altered tensions on the Dom 7 chords.

I posted a sheet to googledocs that lists the pentatonic choices that I'm referring to when soloing. Here's the link:…

?'s for David Friedman about CTI Records '71-75


I’d like to ask if you’d take another trip down memory lane with regards to your experiences regarding for Creed Taylor’s CTI Records as well with Rudy Van Gelder (engineer). My discovery of you started with Hubert Laws’s records, and fortunately my local AM jazz radio station was really great about naming the sidemen on all the records they played. You were well-known around my area.

Interview to Dimitris Angelakis and Israel Arranz in Spain

Hello to everyone:

This is an audio file with the interview to Dimitris Angelakis and me at the Radio Burela because of the "III Workshop de Improvisación e Vibráfono" this past July/28/2014 in Burela (Galicia, Spain).

The interview, which was done in galician and english, talks about that wokshop and the impressions of Dimitris and me about that.

We are working hard to continue this movement and try to do many and more things in the future.

Thanks Dimitris for coming again to Spain

Israel Arranz