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The First Vibe Congress

Just a quick note, January 4th and 5th we are having the first official Vibe Congress.

This will take place at the Malletech factory in Asbury Park and will be free. It's at the Malletech factory because Malletech has agreed to host the workshop for free.

No Sales Pitches! We're not having this at Malletech so they can sell you an instrument. We chose Malletech because it's FREE and central on the east coast. Hotels will be very cheap.

We will have Musser and Yamaha Vibes there as well!

TOTM - Alone Together - Octaves Etude No. 1 by Behn Gillece

Here's the first etude for the octaves study over our TOTM "Alone Together". I tried to keep some of the same voice leading concepts from my dampening etudes, so if you worked on the dampening part, you will have a head start here!

Focus on making the octaves one handed, and there's usually some kind of contrapuntal line or guide tones to follow the octaves. Have fun!