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Ireland Workshop 2011 - JJ's In Dublin

Played in a nice club in Dublin, Ireland last night. Here's a blurry picture of the Premiere 705s. DISCONTINUED. WHAT A DRAG. COME ON PREMIERE, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT! That's a great instrument for gigging musicians.

We did an MJQ tribute there. Played with John Daly on drums, Phil Ware on Piano and Dan Bodwell on Bass. Great musicians! It was a really fun gig!

Forum Topic: listening session?

I was thinking that at the Delaware Workshop, we could do some sort of an official listening session with everyone, that was planned into the day. We could play some tunes and talk about what we like about it. After all, we play like whatever we listen to, so i think it'd be a good idea. Maybe it could happen?
And by the way I'm really excited for the workshop, and seeing/hearing some people that went last year also.


Forum Topic: Thoughts about comping?

I don't really have a lot to say about this, but I thought it'd be interesting to talk about comping in different situations, with a piano player/ other chord instruments, etc.
The great pianist Benny Green told me after a show that he liked my comping and that not a lot of people know when to lay out. First off, he's an incredible musicians and a very nice person, and it was really humbling to talk with him through-out the week at the camp i went to.

Music Day - Bringing my vibes to church gig

Upon Babu's request I brought my camera for my first vibes little gig for Music Day on June 21st. Here are a few pictures to let you know how it went and how great is my Premier 751!

The instrument is old and was home-restored. To add it, the sprayed car painting is quite fragile. So, although the instrument is originally easily foldable, it wouldn't have been wise to do it. Thankfully I have the perfect car for this vibes (as if all had been planned!).

1st pic: Florian playing Blue Bossa with our friend Bernard on guitar and me on vocals

Someday my prince will come

Hello everybody. I've been away, and I'm now laying hands on my Vanderplas for the first time in nearly two months. This TOTM is so long overdue that it should be called T.O.L.M. Before I left, I had covered all the lessons, Tony's and Behn's as well, but as I'm playing after this long break, I find myself quite unable to consciously use all the stuff that was in those lessons. I'm just "singing" something in my head and playing whatever comes out. It's the kind of jazz my late mother in law would have liked.

Forum Topic: "After a dance or two..." Paxton Gehling Trio/ Senior Recital

This is a trio of mine, recorded on my senior recital this april. We're playing my trio arrangement of a really hip John Hollenbeck tune called "After a dance or two we sit down for a pint with Gil and Tim".


Does Anyone Care About Pros?

I played on a great instrument tonight in Ireland. It's a Premiere. I forget the model, but it's an incredibly portable instrument. And I think it sounds really good. What bummed me out and caused me to write this blog tonight is John told me that Premiere stopped making this instrument 6 years ago. I've played on this instrument here for the last 4 years and have fantasized about someday owning one. Easy to set up and move around. I also think it has a nice sound.