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Forum Topic: Musify online chord notation


I've written a very simple and free function to enable those who need to write chord sequences, figured notation and simple macro-music analysis. On their webpages. It's not fool-proof, so it does need testing. Please take a look and let me know what you think!

It's at



Really Blue Bossa

Are you tired of blue bossa? I don´t like the song too much also. But i think it´s a good study and best of it to play it the way you might like it more. I tried this today. One good thing about tonys do it in all keys is, that i could choose F minor for this version since the low F is my deepest note which creates a special flair on this.

p.s. i hate my pedal noise on such quite playing it´s so disturbing but i tried everything to fix this shit. i need nico´s help for this or better nicos vibes....

Good Vibes Radio


Hey Everybody,

Good Vibes airs today (Wednesday, Oct 6)at 4-6 pm, eastern (US)time.

The line-up includes Joe Locke, Lem Winchester, Mike Manieri, Terry Gibbs, Gary Burton, Randy Sutin, Tony, Jay Hoggard and many more. Also includes a vocal by rocker Boz Scaggs that may surprise you. Hope you all can listen in!


Vibesworkshop on Smart Phones and TV

We now have four ways to view the Vibeworkshop videos:

  1. On a computer with Flash -- go to the main website,
  2. On a TV via a Roku Digital Player -- go to the Roku Channel Store and download the Vibesworkshop on Roku app (see for info on Roku Players).
  3. On Android Phones via a native app -- go to the Android Market and download the Vibesworkshop on Android app.
  4. On iPhone/iPad/iTouch via a webapp -- use Safari to go to