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It Could Happen to You - Vibraphone Masterclass - Playing Lines with Expression

Improvising on this classic with a focus on incorporating deadstrokes, ghost notes, accents, dynamics, varied sticking and dampening to enhance the line, phrasing and time feel. The vibraphone can be a difficult instrument in terms of playing it with expression and getting subtleties and nuance from it.

There is a good book called Develop Sight Reading which is great for reading as well as working on these musical elements since the pieces have a lot of phrase markings, dynamics and include many passages with varied articulation. Highly recommended.

Giant Steps

A little Sunday night practice on John Coltrane’s classic composition “Giant Steps”. Played this last night as a bossa on the gig with Mark. Always a fun night at Li’s playing with Mark and hanging on the breaks.

Formula 5 Bars

There are some great instruments out there. I have been playing different instruments for years and years. There's a good vibraphone down in Argentina. I forget the name, it begins with an F. It's cool and sounds good.

I like the sound of the Yamaha, and of course the musser. Good instruments.

I just have never played anything like an Omega. I just got the Formula 5 bars, there latest recipe. They're beautiful. I have 3 different bar recipes in my house and they're all incredible. I'm just in love with this instrument.