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Arturo Serra - New CD! - Bobby! (newsteps records)

Hi everybody,

Here is a link on you tube to my new album. I hope you like it!

Arturo Serra - Bobby!

This my last release my humble tribute to one of the masters. To me it is a double tribute to Bobby Hutcherson as a vibes player and Bobby Hutcherson as a composer.

If you are interested to obtain a copy go to: (there are many payments forms)

New release from Advance Music: Advanced Rhythms in Improvisation - Ed Saindon

German publisher Advance Music just released a follow up book to my previous release Rhythmic Exploration in Improvisation. The new book is titled Advanced Rhythms in Improvisation.

While the primary focus of Advanced Rhythms in Improvisation is on polyrhythms, the book also covers other additional important rhythms that are useful for the improviser. Extensive syncopated rhythmic figures (via the use of rests, dotted notes and ties), mixed rhythmic figures and partial subdivision are also covered which are beneficial to today’s improviser.

Constant Structure Reharm - Moon River (Liebman, Saindon)

Hi guys, David's brilliant reharm on Over The Rainbow reminded me of the topic of reharm. Here's a reharm of Moon River that I did for my Depth of Emotion recording with Dave Liebman. The harmony uses Maj 7th, Maj7th #5 and -7th chords. The corresponding scales are lydian, lydian augmented (or symmetrical augmented) and dorian. I used this reharm technique on Green Dolphin Street which is also on the CD. The new chords bring out a different mood on the tune. Here's the lead sheet with the reharm, it's attached below.

Quieting My M55

I love my m55, but like the pros know, it's noisy. And that's not cool in the studio. I just finished a cd and there are pedal noises. I never bothered with solving this problem since most times the sounds are drowned out. But not this time.

So now in the studio I hang with the engineer and we silence the instrument. Here's how we put the final touch on it last night.