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TOTM - Rhythm Changes - Oleo Exercises Pt. 4 - 1, 6, 2, 5 by Tony Miceli

取出rhythm changes 的一小段,1- 6- 2- 5的和弦進行。
就用這幾種方法不斷反覆的練習1- 6- 2- 5的和弦進行。

TOTM - Rhythm Changes - Oleo Exercises Pt. 5 - Going to Eb by Tony Miceli

這一集也是從rhythm changes 中拿一小段(第五和第六小節)出來練習。
Bbmajor7 - Bb7 - Ebmajor7 - Ebminor7 (bassline: Bb - Ab - G - Gb)
練好後,再放到rhythm change中,那兩個小節(第五和第六小節)你就能夠輕易掌握!


TOTM - Rhythm Changes - Straight Ahead…

Your assignment is to learn this tune. What's cool about it is it's rhythm changes in Ab. The other cool thing are the players. They're monsters.

The melody is simple! maybe 5 notes total! But the rhythms are hard! That is hard to make them swing. So that's your assignment. Play the melody with the metronome, etc.

Forum Topic: Let me introduce myself.

Good evening,

I already said hello in the shoutbox, but how much can you tell in 1 sentence.....

I live in Belgium and studied percussion as a kid. Back then I really loved the sound of the xylophone, so I told myself I would buy one the minute I could afford it.(Which I did when I had a steady job for a while). But in contrast with owning one, I completely neglected it for years. It was only when my wife and I bought a house that I took it up again several years ago. And due to having kids, and renovationworks it was with ups and downs.

Like Someone In Love - vibes-Ed & bass-Mark

I just watched a fantastic version of Tony playing this tune solo. There's also a beautiful version of David and Tony playing duo on this tune. Some players play this tune in C, but here we are in Eb. Bill Evans plays it in D and Ab (half chorus in each key). It's nice do this transposing thing with Wine and Roses ala Bill Evans (F and Ab, half a chorus in each key). This is a fun tune to play on with nice changes. There's a nice solo transcription of Jerry Bergonzi playing this tune that can be found on the web.

Forum Topic: Motor vibrato simulator

Nico at VDP has now released his vibraphone "leslie" style amp. This looks interesting but I already have a good,small amp that I use with a malletkat (and in a few months with a fabulous new VDP gigvibe with pickups).
Does any body have any suggestions about Leslie style stomp boxes that can do a good version of the vibes motor-on sound ?
The Neo Ventilator has come to my attention, though it seems a bit pricey and I have not heard one with vibes. Demos on the web for these sorts of things are predictably by guitarists.
