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Basic Voicings

This is likely to be old news for most on the site but hopefully helpful for those who haven't worked through these yet. I don't think I mentioned very clearly that you can replace the fifth of each voicing with the 6th for more color or variation.

Vibesworkshop on Android now available

The Vibesworkshop videos are now available on Android phones. The app has the same functionality as the Roku app, so see… to see how it works.

The app is available for free in the Android Market, just search for "vibes". Any feedback/problems, post here or e-mail me. Enjoy!

Tom P.

Brother John by Marie


My little year of Vibes lessons seem so far away... some 8 years ago... Having no instrument at home of course gave no results, but I remember those moments I would spend on the concert hall, alone on stage... not only practicing the required excercices (hum...), but also "messing around" with the bars...

Here is the only thing I have from that period... a little lullaby... which today has its perfect tittle: John Daly, ain't you a bit my brother now, as happy owner too of a Premier? ;-)

- M

PS: I should also call that tune Brother Patrice, right? ;-)