Django - MJQ
Check out Milt's solo!
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Check out Milt's solo!
Check out my buddy Dan Monaghan on drums. I just think he's such an incredibly swinging and musical musician!!! Also Larry Mckenna a Philly Icon and Kevin Macconnell on base an incredibly versatile bass player.
It's funny who you meet online! I met a person on youtube (Holyhell937)(Does this mean there are another 936 people who have used Holyhell as their youtube name???). He seems to be in high school, or junior high. I dug our brief dialogue online on the youtube page. He ended by saying, 'Hey why don't you write a piece for me to play in school'. I told him to subscribe to the site that there are plenty of pieces there to play!
Then on the way home from my dad's I listened to this:
(Barryk - Is that a Theramin in this piece!)
Randy Sutin sent this to me. This cat is TRULY amazing.
Good times at UD
Reminisce about all those good times you hard or wish you were there for.
I got a CD recently- "Swing Valses d'hier et d'ayjord'hui" by a manouche guitarist named Baro Ferret, recorded in France in 1966. All 12 tracks are manouche waltzes!
Geo Dali played vibes- pretty nice sounding stuff! I heard a lot of Lionel in his lines.
Just wondering if many people had heard of him, maybe know some other stuff he's played on?
Further- does anyone know of any other recordings of manouche with vibes/xylo?
Are there any issues with uploading tracks?