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Holyhell937 Etude

It's funny who you meet online! I met a person on youtube (Holyhell937)(Does this mean there are another 936 people who have used Holyhell as their youtube name???). He seems to be in high school, or junior high. I dug our brief dialogue online on the youtube page. He ended by saying, 'Hey why don't you write a piece for me to play in school'. I told him to subscribe to the site that there are plenty of pieces there to play!

Then on the way home from my dad's I listened to this:
(Barryk - Is that a Theramin in this piece!)

Forum Topic: Manouche vibes=> Geo Daly

I got a CD recently- "Swing Valses d'hier et d'ayjord'hui" by a manouche guitarist named Baro Ferret, recorded in France in 1966. All 12 tracks are manouche waltzes!
Geo Dali played vibes- pretty nice sounding stuff! I heard a lot of Lionel in his lines.

Just wondering if many people had heard of him, maybe know some other stuff he's played on?
Further- does anyone know of any other recordings of manouche with vibes/xylo?

Are there any issues with uploading tracks?
